
Let’s talk branding… or more specifically, livestock brands!

Since earning my Texas Auctioneer’s License in 2023 (#18339) and my Texas Real Estate Sales Agent License (#0816545), I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about designing a logo that reflects my deep roots in agriculture. I’ve gone back and forth on different symbols—searching for something that embodies my commitment to both Auctioneering and Real Estate.

One icon I keep coming back to is our Haste family brand: the H-Diamond-H.

Wyoming Brand Certificate, 1976 (Front)

Wyoming Brand Certificate, 1976 (Back)

I’ve always been fascinated by how the simplest symbols can carry such rich history and meaning—like hieroglyphics for cowboys. When I was a student at Texas A&M University, one of my favorite spots on campus was the brand wall in the Kleberg Center. KAMU even did a short video on it, which I’ve linked below. It’s well worth 43 seconds of Good Bull for your day:

I was always told that the H-Diamond-H stood for Henry Haste, my great-grandfather—a tough-as-nails rancher and father of 13 in the 1800s. I’ve heard many stories about that hard man, and it’s surreal to be writing this in the 21st century, just a few branches down on the family tree from someone I never met in the 19th.

But the brand connects us. And I can’t help but wonder what he’d think of a lady auctioneer fluent in HTML and CSS.

Does your farm or ranch have a brand? What is it? Does it have a fun back story?


  1. Nova Kim on February 5, 2025 at 3:22 pm

    I never heard that history before, tell me more. Are you aware or know the back story of their other brand the Diamond Lazy H?

    • Toni on February 5, 2025 at 3:34 pm

      NO!!!! Please TELL ME MORE!!! I don’t know much more, other than Dad said the boys in the Haste family are named for English Kings… Henry, William, Edward. And H-Diamond-H was an homage to Henry Haste.

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